My Blog

For a long time now I've wanted to create a blog.

Like, before I realized that I only need one space between sentences, long.

So here I am, starting a blog.

2020 feels like the year to try anything. Rules have been thrown out the window.

Schools are operating in ways that have never been done before. Business are getting more and more creative with how to survive. Families are reaching breaking points, and then finding new strengths and new ways to manage this unforeseeable and unforgettable time.

I was told by lots people that I couldn't (shouldn't - won't) be able to work as a

wedding photographer AND a sports photographer AND a travel photographer.

Well world, the rule book has been thrown out this year, so I'm going to do it the way I've always dreamed.

I'm going to shoot what I love.

I'm going to shoot people and places and action and adventure and small moments and big grand ones too.

I want to capture the energy that flows through and between all of us - whether it's on the field, at the alter, in your mother's arms, or between the sea and the sand.

And I'm going to stop listening to pre-covid advice and start listening to my own inner voice.

The one that has been telling me for years that I can shoot whatever makes me happy.

-- carolyn